Language Exchange Café connecting English speakers learning Japanese and Japanese speakers learning English. (English conversation Café for 1 hour/Japanese Café for 1 hour)
日本語を学ぶ英語話者と英語を学びたい日本語話者をつなげるランゲージ・エクスチェンジカフェ (英会話カフェ1時間・日本語カフェ1時間)
Sat:14:00-16:00(Free of charge・Booking required)
Please book your seat in the following form or Line.
下記のお問い合わせフォーム、または、Line にてご予約ください。
*Please let us know your attendance as there might be some changes in place and date. 場所や日時の変更があるので、必ずご連絡ください!
*Please bring your own food and nonalcoholic drinks.
*We welcome your donations to cover the costs for events at the venue or from the website in March.
*But from April, we will charge 500 yen for your participation.
Mark House 発蒙館Line公式アカウントを友達追加すると、そちらからも、お問い合わせ、参加イベントのご予約ができます!
Join us in our official Line account! You can enquire and book our event in Line!
Bookings & Enquiries
Please insert your name, email address, and message below, and click the red button to send. If you prefer to talk on the phone, please let us know your phone number!